Friday, March 2, 2012


The other category is made from smaller stereotypes.

In my research for this project I have discovered that the top two stereotypes of Africa are that it is an extremely poor country and that Africans only have a black skin color. Even though this is mostly true this is not the case in all parts of Africa. For example look at South Africa, even though South Africa is in Africa it has a pretty good economy compared to the rest of African countries. People only see Africa as a poor continent because of countries like Zimbabwe whose economies are doing very poorly and because of these counties it causes a negative view on all of Africa’s economies. The second major stereotype for Africa is that Africans all have a black skin color, but this is not the case. In several countries in Africa there are people who also have white, Indian and Asian colored skin not just black. So even though these stereotypes are partially true they can’t be used to identify the continent because they can cause a negative appearance on the rest of the countries and people who don’t fall into this stereotypes.

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