Friday, March 2, 2012


 Our graduation project involves researching common stereotypes and discovering what actually occurs about these stereotypes.  We researched the Middle East, America, Latin America, France, Germany, Africa, East Asia, and India.  We then conducted video interviews and handed out surveys so that we can discover the greatest misconception about these regions or countries.  We conducted the interviews with friends and family about the specific regions and with teachers in order to find out general information about stereotypes.  We used the survey to decide the final stereotypes for each region.  After the stereotypes were decided we researched each stereotype and wrote this blog that discusses the stereotypes.  Then we created a documentary that will not be posted on this blog but contains the same information.  Through our results we concluded that there are many stereotypes in the world that some people aren't aware of due to common misconceptions.

Stereotypes have become a prevalent but dangerous part of society.  They are created by human need for an easy way to identify a person of a certain ethnicity.  These stereotypes can be positive or negative but either way they are dangerous.  These dangers come from the process of giving all the people of one ethnicity one quality.  In a real life situation, stereotypes become dangerous in school and political environment: an example is racial profiling.  These dangers become rampant because some members of our society are not informed of these stereotypes.

~Will, Elizabeth, Geoff, and Josh

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Comments will be open after 3/8/12
** The information displayed in this blog was based off of research not personal opinions and work cited is available upon request**