Friday, March 2, 2012


The other category is made from smaller stereotypes.

In my research for this project I discovered that the top stereotypes for Russia are that it is extremely cold, that Russians love drinking Vodka as an activity, and that it is still viewed as the Soviet Union. For the first stereotype about the cold weather this is somewhat true. However, even though it is true for the Siberia region of Russia it is not true for where most of the people live and the tourist sites. The normal climate is humid and somewhat cold but not tundra cold as people think. The second major stereotype for Russia is that they love to drink vodka as an activity and it’s all they do. That statement  is not entirely true, because they also have many another activities other than drinking all day such as hiking, art galleries, circuses, and more. The third major stereotype for Russia is that it still viewed as the Soviet Union even though it hasn’t been for over 20 years and it is now a democracy just like the Untied States. So this is causing a negative view on modern Russia even though they were not the ones to cause the cold war. Because of these stereotypes there is a semi-negative view of Russia even though these things are not completely true.


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